Time Window Analysis [143 months]
The table time windows analysis shows  best,  worst, and average performance of Iris  in selected time intervals. The worst-case scenario is often of particular interest since it supplies information by  how much the returns can deviate from  the expected ones over short, medium, and long  periods of time. The chart histogram of annual returns presents  the performance of Iris Investments over consecutive  12 months  time periods since inception. Similarly, histogram of Iris correlations depicts the correlations of Iris Investments  with major trading indicators as S&P 500.

Similarly to mutual funds, hedge funds should be evaluated  for both absolute an relative returns. An experienced investor usually has an intimate knowledge of stock markets. Therefore,  the comparison of Iris performance with a market as a whole might give  a valuable information to an investor  how to compose his  investment portfolio and  when to invest or disinvest from Iris. To this aim,  we propose to look at   alpha/beta annual  histograms.

The table below shows an evolution of Sharp's ratio, alpha, and beta of Iris Investments returns  over the last 12, 36, and 60 months periods. The net results, that is after the costs,  can be found in NI.
  last 12 months   last 36 months last 60 months
alpha 3.93 -70.79 -70.04
 beta 0.20 1.38 1.26
 gain   2.58%    -19.32%    7.42%
  Sharp ratio 0.15 -0.12 0.55